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Mountain Houses
Chalé de Montanha
Pouso da Serra
Informações Turísticas que pode visitar num raio de 30 km do Pouso da Serra
Tourist information that you can visit within a 30 km radius of Pouso da Serra
Información turística que puedes visitar en un radio de 30 km de Pouso da Serra
Informations touristiques que vous pouvez visiter dans un rayon de 30 km autour de Pouso da Serra
Touristeninformation, die Sie im Umkreis von 30 km um Pouso da Serra besuchen können
How to Get
Road Access - GPS N40º55´32.5" O7º54´24.4"
Pouso da Serra - Rua Central, 41 Custilhão 3600-270 Castro Daire
The most direct route can be taken via the A24, exit 7 and after traveling approximately 1 km along the EN2, national road 2, you will find a signpost “Custilhão”.
Here, you must cross a small tunnel, on municipal road 1141.
Pouso da Serra is about 1.2 km away, right in the center of the village.
Registado no INPI nº 560816 Registo Nacional de Turismo nº 49153/AL
criação de J. Carvalhal 2016
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